TEA Launches “TX K-12 Cybersecurity Initiative”

The TEA has announced the launching of the TX K-12 Cybersecurity Initiative to counter the rising surge of ransomware and malicious activity affecting local educational agencies (LEA).
The TEA — as a first step toward fully implementing the initiative — opened an online portal for LEAs meeting specified criteria to apply to receive TEA-funded “endpoint detection and response” (EDR) equipment.
- Note: EDRs, according to published sources, are a type of cybersecurity technology that continually monitors an “endpoint” (such as mobile phones, laptops, internet-connected devices, etc.) to identify and mitigate malicious cyber threats.
Upcoming services that will help schools combat cyber threats will be in the areas of technical assistance, cybersecurity assessments and network detection responses, the TEA announcement said.
The Legislature has committed to funding the initiative through Aug. 31, 2025.