Texas 4-H Foundation Launches $4 Million Fundraising Campaign

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The Texas 4-H Foundation, with the support of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, has just launched a four-year, $4 million campaign to support 4-H youth participating in county, district and/or state 4-H programs.

The new 4×4 for Texas 4-H Campaign allows corporations, businesses and individuals to donate $25,000 over the next four years.

Contributions can be directed toward any program or combination of programs. For example, one year of funding can support Texas 4-H natural resources programs, and the next year can be directed toward 4-H STEM or livestock programs — or even the Foundation’s scholarship program.

“This campaign will not only open many opportunities for our youth, It will also allow our county agents and 4-H faculty to introduce new and exciting programs for them,” said Courtney Dodd, AgriLife Extension associate director for health, families and youth programs.

This is the largest fundraiser the foundation has ever undertaken to support Texas 4-H programs.

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