
New Youth Resource Map Connects Texas Homeless Youth with Essential Services

Image: Texas Youth Resource Map by Texas Appleseed - home page
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The Texas Appleseed nonprofit advocacy group today launched a new online tool — the Texas Youth Resource Map — to help youth experiencing homelessness — and to assist service providers (including McKinney-Vento liaisons) in locating essential services across Texas.

The tool is an interactive site that filters resources by region and category to connect people with services to meet their immediate and longer-term needs.

Users can locate food pantries, emergency shelters, medical and mental health care, where to go for assistance in applying for social services, transportation, child care, and more.

The site can produce information on an interactive map or in a list format and contains more than 800 resources across Texas.

Texas Appleseed also provides other online resources for youth experiencing homelessness, including the Texas Homeless Youth Handbook, flyers to identify the signs of human trafficking and help youth secure their identification documents free of charge, and more, which can be found at WeDoExist.org

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