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TEA to Transition Marlin ISD Back to Elected School Board

illustration, yellow state of texas with red star depicting where Marlin ISD is, with words Marlin ISD by star
Image: TexEdNews graphic

The TEA announced this afternoon that it will begin transitioning Marlin ISD from a five-member appointed board to a seven-member elected board in a multi-year process that will be completed on Jan. 31, 2026.

As a part of the transition process, two currently elected school board members will reassume their governance authority and join three members appointed to the board by Education Commissioner Mike Morath to form a new five-member board of managers. (One of the elected board members Morath appointed is a former member of the appointed board.)

An additional third of the elected trustees will transition to the board on January 31, 2025, with the final third transitioning on January 31, 2026. (A transition plan announced by the TEA in January 2021 was scuttled due to the impacts of COVID and the subsequent academic accountability pause.)

Morath initially appointed the five-member board of managers in 2017 to lead MISD in response to the district receiving five consecutive years of unacceptable academic accountability ratings — and he extended the placement of the board of managers in 2019 due to seven consecutive years of unacceptable performance.

MISD received an overall B (86) in the 2022 state accountability ratings, regaining its accreditation status, the TEA announcement said.